Complexe d’Aires Protégées Pô-Nazinga-Sissili

Burkina Faso
Site number:
301,972.7 ha
Designation date:
11°19'57"N 01°22'37"W



  • CAP/PONASI inondé par le Nazinon
  • Produits forestiers non ligneux du site ( liane goïne)


The Site, within the West Sudanian Savannah, is one of the largest ecological regions of biodiversity conservation in Burkina Faso. The diverse flora and fauna of its different types of savannah include mammals, birds and reptiles. The complex, which is also known as “CAP/PONASI”, hosts large herbivores such as elephant, buffalo, sable antelope and waterbuck. It is also a habitat for threatened species such as the African bush elephant Loxodonta africana and the trees Afzelia africana and Vitellaria paradoxa. The Site serves as an ecological corridor enabling large mammals such as the elephants to migrate from similar ecosystems in northern Ghana (namely the Morago River area and Mole National Park). During the European winter, it is a milestone in the migration routes of some Western Palearctic migratory birds such as storks. The Ramsar Site includes many cultural sites. Despite the absence of a management plan, it has some tourism facilities such as watchtowers and observatories to improve the conditions for visitors. The complex is threatened by the fragmentation of its ecosystem due to livestock and arable farming  activities, logging, charcoal burning, poaching, and conflicts between people and elephants. These conflicts have a negative impact on the food security and livelihoods of the affected populations, leading them to have a hostile attitude towards wild animals around their communities.

Administrative region

Le CAP/PONASI est situé sur les limites territoriales de trois régions administratives et que sont : - la Région du Centre-est (chef-lieu Tenkodogo); - la Région du Centre-ouest (chef-lieu Koudougou); - et la Région du Centre-sud (chef-lieu Manga).

Last publication date:



Ramsar Information Sheet (RIS)