
Site number:
3,229.0 ha
Designation date:
59°39'43"N 15°28'34"E



  • Pine forest on bedrock with thin soil cover at Getapulien-Grönbo
  • Pine forest on peatland at Getapulien-Grönbo
  • Stormyren/the big mire at Getapulien-Grönbo


Getapulien-Grönbo is one of the largest mire complexes in south-central Sweden characterized by minimal anthropogenic influence. The Site contains representative examples of natural or near-natural wetland types within the European Boreal region, such as forested and non-forested peatlands, bogs and lakes. The Site supports populations of plants and animal species which are important for maintaining biodiversity within the region, particularly birds and butterflies. The coniferous forests, wet forests and mires constitute an important area for breeding birds such as Eurasian black grouse Lyrurus tetrix, osprey Pandion haliaetus and western capercaillie Tetrao urogallus. Lynx and wolf can also be observed. The mires sequestrate carbon and serve as water reservoirs during the summer. Land use is mainly dedicated to moose hunting, recreation, tourism and nature conservation. A wildlife research station in Grimsö carries out fauna and flora monitoring activities. The Site was formerly affected by unsustainable forestry practices, such as drainage that altered the wetlands’ natural hydrological cycle. As a result of the prohibition of forestry in the protected areas, the proportion of mature forest is expected to increase significantly in the coming years. Management plans for overlapping nature reserves are being implemented, with ecotourism development as one of the objectives.

Administrative region

Örebro County, in south-central Sweden

National legal designation

  • Nature reserve (1) - Grönbo
  • Nature reserve (2) - Getapulien

Regional (international) legal designations

  • EU Natura 2000

Last publication date:



Ramsar Information Sheet (RIS)