Canaralele de la Harsova

Site number:
7,406.0 ha
Designation date:
44°40'36"N 27°55'27"E




Canaralele de la Harsova. 02/02/2013; Ialomita, Constanta Counties; 7,406 ha; 44°4037N 027°5528E. Important Bird Area; 2 Nature Reserves; Natura 2000 Network (SPA, SCI). Situated in the confluence of two Danube branches, Dunarea Veche and Bratul Borcea, on a major migratory route, the site represents an important area for resting and feeding of rare bird species. It provides shelter to important populations of protected birds catalogued under Annex I of the Birds Directive, as for example Accipiter brevipes, Circus macrourus and Pelecanus onocrotalus. The land situated in the surroundings of the Danube branches is covered by temporary lakes which also represent an important space for breeding and nesting of many other birds like Accipiter brevipes, Alcedo atthis and Botaurus stellaris. The site plays an important role in reducing and regulating the effects of Danube floods. Within its boundaries, the most important human activities are forestry, navigation and agriculture. A management plan is going to be developed under the framework of an environmental project approved in 2011. In Harsova at the edge of the site are the remains of the 2nd century Roman Carsium Fortress. Ramsar site no. 2113. Most recent RIS information: 2012.

Administrative region

Ialomita and Constanta Counties

National legal designation

  • Nature Reserve - Canaralele din Portul Harsova (since 1943) – hills formed of limestone, with rocky habitats
  • Nature Reserve - Celea Mare – Valea lui Ene, a zoological and botanical reserve

Regional (international) legal designations

  • EU Natura 2000

Last publication date:



Ramsar Information Sheet (RIS)