
Site number:
4,316.0 ha
Designation date:
67°08'02"N 18°17'15"E



  • Lake Laitaure, Aktse near Laidaure delta.
  • Laidaure delta, Lake Laitaure with the characteristic Skierffe peak.
  • Lake Laitaure with small islets with vegetation like Salix spp. and Betula spp.
  • Aktse and the vegetation on the slopes of Njunjes
  • Overlooking the Laidaure delta from the mountain slopes of Njunjes.
  • Overlooking the Laidaure delta from the mountain slopes of Njunjes.
  • The Laidaure delta.
  • Various vegetation types on the slopes down to the delta
  • Laidaure delta seen from above up on the summit of Skierffe
  • Laidaure delta seen from above up on the summit of Skierffe
  • Laidaure delta seen from above up on the summit of Skierffe


The Site consists of the natural delta of the River Rapa and a freshwater lake located between the mountains of Sarek National Park and a zone of coniferous forests. The unique delta represents a landscape of great scenic value composed of numerous lagoons and levees. Due to the large quantities of glacial outwash brought down by the river from the mountains, the delta is expanding into the northern end of Laidaure Lake and therefore changes character continuously. The Site features subalpine birch forest, coniferous woodland and Salix. The Alpine heaths and grasslands support a high diversity of species. The delta is the most important locality in the Sarek region for birds, in particular as a breeding ground for ducks and waders, including a number of species listed in the Swedish Red List such as the ruff Philomachus pugnax, the Lapland longspur Calcarius lapponicus and the northern pintail Anas acuta. The Site also provides refuge from storms in the high mountains and constitutes a stop-over site for migrating birds waiting for the ice and snow to melt in higher altitudes. Human activities include reindeer husbandry, hiking and fishing. The main threats affecting the ecological character of the Site relate to hunting and recreational activities. A management plan exists for the overlapping National Park and Nature Reserve and there are plans to provide national legal protection for the remaining parts of the Ramsar Site.

Administrative region


Global international designation

  • World Heritage site

National legal designation

  • National park - Sarek
  • Natura 2000 SAC (1) - Ultevis fjällurskog
  • Natura 2000 SAC (2) - Sarek
  • Natura 2000 SAC and SPA - Laidauredeltat
  • Nature reserve - Ultevis fjällurskog
  • Site of national importance for nature conservation (1) - Sareks nationalpark
  • Site of national importance for nature conservation (2) - Ultevis-Sitojauresänkan-Harrejaure

Regional (international) legal designations

  • EU Natura 2000
  • Other international designation

Last publication date:



Ramsar Information Sheet (RIS)