Shallbugh Wetland Conservation Reserve

Site number:
1,675.0 ha
Designation date:
34°09'41"N 74°43'41"E



  • Shallabugh Wetland
  • Shallabugh Wetland
  • Shallabugh Wetland


Shallbugh Wetland Conservation Reserve lies west of Anchar Lake in the Sindh river delta. This shallow wetland is primarily fed by rainfall, snowmelt from the Kashmir Himalayas, and stream water flowing from the Sindh river and Anchar Lake. It lies close to another Ramsar Site, Hokera Wetland (Site no.1570) and together they form an important aquatic habitat in this region. It features extensive reed beds and floating aquatic vegetation which provide important habitat for over 21 species of resident and migratory birds. Many of the birds are in threatened, including the endangered steppe eagle (Aquila nipalensis), Pallas’s fish-eagle (Haliaeetus leucoryphus) and black-bellied tern (Sterna acuticauda), and the vulnerable eastern imperial eagle (Aquila heliaca), yellow-eyed pigeon (Columba eversmanni) and wood snipe (Gallinago nemoricola). Some of these species are also endemic to the wetland. The wetland supports fisheries, provides clean water, regulates flooding, and acts as a carbon sink. Excessive siltation is the biggest problem threatening the Site’s ecological characteristics.

Administrative region

The wetland is 18 km from Srinagar, the UT summer capital and located in district Srinagar and District Ganderbal of Jammu & Kashmir on the flood plains of river Jhelum at an altitudinal height of 1580 m asl. 34° 9.663'N 74° 43.457'E

National legal designation

  • Wildlife Conservation Reserve - Shallabugh Wetland Reserve

Last publication date:
