Cap Ghir-Imsouane

Site number:
6,800.0 ha
Designation date:
30°42'33"N 09°50'19"W



  • Dunes vives au nord de Tamri
  • Falaises littorales au Nord d’Imsouane
  • Zone littorale de Tildi
  • Arganiers en drapeaux dans le col de Taboga
  • Aire de gagnage de l'Ibis chauve : steppe littorale près de Tamri
  • Aire de gagnage de l'Ibis chauve : steppe littorale près de Tamri
  • Grottes de Cap Ghir
  • Arganeraie et végétation macaronésienne à Euphorbes
  • Stationnement hivernal de milliers de Laridés sur la 'plage' de Tamri


The Site comprises a coastal strip at the foot of the High Atlas mountain range, with two areas of biological and ecological interest: Cape Ghir and Tamri. It covers a wide range of marine, estuarine and terrestrial habitats influenced by the Atlantic Ocean and also the Mediterranean Sea and the Sahara, with an exceptionally rich biodiversity and a high rate of endemism. The wetland lies on the East Atlantic flyway, and provides a nesting and wintering site for many migrant Palearctic birds. The globally endangered northern bald ibis (Geronticus eremita) nests there, and more than 20% of its global population is divided between this Site and the National Park of Souss-Massa. At least four species endemic to the Maghreb are also well represented. The Site hosts at least 40 reptile and amphibian species, including about ten endemic west Saharan species including the toad Bufo brongersmai and the gecko Quedenfeldtia moerens. Many of the plants are endemic, and the rate of endemism exceeds 30% in some of the terrestrial habitats (coastal cliffs, euphorbia and argan formations). Drought, the main threat, leads to scarcity of food and water resources. The Site is located in the coastal zone of the Arganeraie Biosphere Reserve, and in addition to its conservation importance, it has educational and ecotourism potential.

Administrative region

Région Souss-Massa

Global international designation

  • Other global designation

National legal designation

  • Sites d'Intérêt Biologique et Ecologique - Cap Ghir et Tamri

Last publication date:
