Fifa Nature Reserve

Site number:
6,100.0 ha
Designation date:
30°57'38"N 35°26'15"E



  • drainage
  • Overview
  • Overview


The Fifa Nature Reserve lies in the Jordan Rift Valley to the south of the Dead Sea, in south-western Jordan. Its lowest point stands at 420 metres below sea level. The Site is fed by water from various sources, which include natural permanent springs to the south, a permanent artificial irrigation and drainage canal to the east, and seasonal water which drains from four wadis. The drained water forms large swamps and marshes which last to the end of the winter season. The Site is important for the livelihoods of people living around it, as it provides water for irrigation, drinking water for people and livestock, and habitat to many species. It supports two globally vulnerable species, Macqueen’s bustard (Chlamydotis macqueenii) and dabb lizard (Uromastyx aegyptia). As the Site lies along the Rift Valley migration pathway, it also supports a large number of wintering waterfowl each year. The Site supports the hydrological balance of the Valley, controlling floods by receiving a large amount of rain water which flows onwards to the Dead Sea or recharges the aquifer, and controlling the land’s salinity by receiving salts washed off the soil.

Administrative region

Karak Governorate

National legal designation

  • Protected Area - Fifa Nature Reserve

Last publication date:



Ramsar Information Sheet (RIS)