Site Bioculturel d'Antrema

Site number:
20,620.0 ha
Designation date:
15°46'07"S 46°07'28"E



  • Mangroves d'Antrema
  • `Succession de mangroves
  • Marécages raphières
  • Lac Sahariake
  • Site de restauration de mangroves
  • Graines de Rhizophora mucronata
  • Fruits de Bruguiera gymnorrhiza
  • Threskiornis bernieri
  • Platalea alba
  • Charadrius marginatus
  • Haliaeetus vociferoides
  • Propithecus coronatus
  • Eulemur fulvus
  • Tilapia zilii
  • Tilapia rendalli
  • Pratilapia polleni
  • Oreochromis mossambicus


The Site is on the north-western coast of Madagascar and consists of permanent and temporary lakes, rivers, streams, estuaries and intertidal areas, and mangrove habitats. The wetland-forest complex supports 220 plant species indigenous to Madagascar, with an endemic rate of 76%; there are also five endemic lemur species, 18 species of reptile and three of amphibians. 70 bird species have been recorded including 23 species of waterbirds, of which three are endangered (Ardeola idae, Threskiornis bernieri and Ardea humbloti). The water bodies are home to 21 species of fish grouped in 16 families, of which two are endemic: Pachypanchax arnoulti and Paratilapia polleni. The Site provides food, water and non-food items, and multiple other services to local communities. It is also recognized for its cultural and spiritual importance. Lemurs are considered sacred by the entire indigenous community, and this helps ensure the sustainability of the Site and its ecosystems. However, the erosion of denuded land has caused lakes to dry up and has had adverse impacts on the functioning of wetland habitats.

Administrative region

Région de Boeny

National legal designation

  • Aire Protégée - Boeny

Last publication date:



Ramsar Information Sheet (RIS)