
Site number:
6,727.3 ha
Designation date:
55°35'32"N 29°23'E



  • Drozbitka-Svina site
  • Drozbitka-Svina site
  • Drozbitka-Svina site


Drobzbitka-Svina is a forest-swamp massif, located in the floodplains of the Drozbitka and Svina rivers. The Site is composed of fen mires, transition marshes, raised bogs and a hydrological network of permanent freshwater lakes, rivers, creeks and drainage canals. The wetland supports a complex of rare and threatened habitats including Boreal sedge fen mires. The Site is difficult to access and is highly waterlogged, which contributes to the conservation of rare and nationally threatened plant species such as Salix myrtilloides and Carex magellanica irrigua. It is also an important stopover for the Arctic loon Gavia arctica and serves as breeding grounds for the black stork Ciconia nigra. The marshes provide important hydrological services linked to water retention, groundwater recharge and water purification, and play a significant role in the natural functioning of the West Dvina River Basin. The Site’s active peatlands contribute to carbon retention. A peat extraction plot is located within the territory of the Site. The water bodies are used for amateur fishing, while timber production is ongoing in part of the Site. The main factors affecting the ecological character of the wetland are drainage and hydro-ameliorative works, which have led to the lowering of the groundwater level and acceleration of overgrowing and change in vegetation.

Administrative region

Polotsk district of Vitebsk region

National legal designation

  • Republican Wetland Reserve - Drozbitka-Svina

Last publication date:



Ramsar Information Sheet (RIS)