Albanian Prespa Lakes

Site number:
15,119.0 ha
Designation date:
40°47'59"N 20°57'17"E




Albanian Prespa Lakes (Liqenet e Prespes Shqiptare). 13/06/2013; Korçë; 15,119 ha; 40°51’23”N 20°56’43”E. National Park, part of the trilateral international Prespa Park. A high altitude basin (max. 2287m asl) located in the southeastern Balkan Peninsula in the Mediterranean biogeographical region. The site includes two inter-linked lakes, Macro Prespa and Micro Prespa, and is characterized by tree-dominated wetlands, seasonal freshwater marshes and flooded agricultural lands, permanent rivers and creeks, canals, drainage channels, freshwater springs, subterranean karst and cave hydrological systems. The terrestrial ecosystem is dominated by the Mali i Thate (Dry Mountain) calcareous massif that extends south from the Albanian-Macedonian border. The boundary of the site is the same as the boundary of Prespa National Park regarding the aquatic component. The fauna and flora is characterized by not only high diversity but also a high level of endemism. The site is internationally important for globally endangered bird species such as Dalmatian Pelican (Pelecanus crispus) and White Pelican (Pelecanus onocrotalus), and it supports diverse and endemic fish, mammal and amphibian communities. The lakes play an important role in groundwater recharge and sediment trapping, and the main economic activities within the site are agriculture, livestock raising, fishery, forestry and tourism. Threats to the ecological character include eutrophication caused by intensive agriculture practices and the introduction of alien fish species for recreational fishing, which has also contributed to profound modification of the natural ecosystem of the lake. A management plan is currently in preparation. Ramsar Site no. 2151. Most recent RIS information: 2013.

National legal designation

  • National Park - Prespa

Regional (international) legal designations

  • Other international designation

Last publication date:



Ramsar Information Sheet (RIS)