
Site number:
1,472.0 ha
Designation date:
68°56'18"N 15°11'43"E



  • Grunnfjorden
  • Grunnfjorden
  • Grunnfjorden
  • Grunnfjorden
  • Grunnfjorden
  • Grunnfjorden
  • Grunnfjorden
  • Grunnfjorden
  • Grunnfjorden
  • Grunnfjorden
  • Grunnfjorden


The Site is a complex of large mires dominated by sphagnum mosses with small rivers, pools and lakes, shallow beach areas with islets, skerries, large intertidal flats and a brackish lagoon system. Along the shoreline are different vegetation communities, from grass-rich slopes to mudflats. Because of its high food production and its location on key waterbird migration routes, the Site is an internationally important area for many species during their spring and autumn migrations. Some notable birds species breed there including the Atlantic puffin (Fratecula arctica), the greater scaup (Aythya marila) and the ruff (Philomachus pugnax). The area is particularly known as one of the northernmost overwintering locations for whooper swans (Cygnus cygnus). The Site is also important for shoreline stabilization. Archeological and historical features are to be found. The main human activities are agriculture, cattle grazing, fishing, hunting, tourism and gathering of cloudberries. In the catchment area, there is some farm land and activities which lead to erosion and nutrient run-off. However, the number of farms and the extent of farm land is decreasing. Illegal off-road driving damages the vegetation cover and soil, alters natural drainage conditions and could increase erosion.

Administrative region

Nordland County

National legal designation

  • Nature Reserve - Grunnfjorden

Last publication date:
