Palude del Brusà - Le Vallette

Site number:
171.0 ha
Designation date:
45°10'N 11°13'E




Palude del Brusà  Le Vallette. 27/09/10. Veneto Region, Verona, Cerea. 171 ha; 45°10N 011°13E. Site of Community Importance (SCI), Special Protection Areas (SPA), Strict Nature Reserve. Located in the municipality of Cerea in the southern part of the Verona Province and one of the largest wetlands remaining after drainage and reclamation of most of the surrounding area. The Menago River runs for 42 km from north to south through the region and flows into the Tartaro-Canal Bianco River. This site is an alluvial area originating from the accumulation of sediments transported by Quaternary glaciers and rivers that have filled the existing lagoon over the years. The habitat mainly consists of freshwater marshes and pools and constitutes one of the best preserved examples of its kind in the Padano-Veneta plain. The site supports three species of amphibians and reptiles named in the EU Habitat Directive, the Triturus carnifex, Rana latastei and Emys orbicularis. Moreover, the site has an important role as a resting, breeding and wintering area for many rare species of the Pianura Padana wetland system and several birds are mentioned in Annex I of the EU Birds Directive, including Aythya nyroca, Ixobrychus minutus, Botaurus stellaris, Ardea purpurea and Circus aeruginosus. Approximately 150 species of birds are seen in the site throughout the year. Human activities in the wetland include harvesting of marsh plants (reeds and sedges), although this activity is gradually declining, and tourist activities which are slowly developing. Ramsar Site no. 1929. Most recent RIS information: 2010.

Administrative region


National legal designation

  • Local Interesting Protected Area - Palude del Brusà – le Vallette
  • SCI (Site of Community Importance) - Palude del Brusà – le Vallette

Last publication date:



Ramsar Information Sheet (RIS)