Playa de Colola

Site number:
286.8 ha
Designation date:
18°18'N 103°25'W




Playa de Colola. 02/02/08; Michoacán; 286.83 ha; 18° 18' N y 103 ° 25' W. This site is located in the western central region of Mexico, in the state of Michoacán and consists of 4.8 Km of sandy beaches, with a 150 m width, surrounded by different types of shrubs. This beach is highly significant as a major nesting site for three specific marine turtles found under different categories of protection IUCN, the national legislation and Appendix I of CITES: the Olive Ridley (Lepidochelys olivacea), the Leatherback (Dermochelys coriacea) and the Green Turtle (Chelonia agassizii). It is estimated that about 70% of the population of the green turtle comes to this beach to nest and breed in the waters near the beach which further emphasizes the importance of this site for the future of these species. The turtles are exposed to the dangers caused by humans since the nesting females can be easily caught. The eggs are extracted by the locals for personal consumption, or can also be extracted by animals digging through the nests. Another situation in which the turtles are found in danger is during the reproductive interactions, which take place near the beach at sea. Males and females are then vulnerable to illegal capture and distribution by coastal fishing vessels. Causes that negatively affect this site are due to population increase of Colola, in an unorganized manner and compromise the habitat where the turtles have laid their eggs. At the same time, tourism activities are increasing which can also cause disturbances to nesting females and the site itself, if it goes on unmonitored. This beach is found inside a Federal Protected Area under the Santuary category.

Administrative region


National legal designation

  • Área Natural Protegida Federal, categoría Santuario

Last publication date:



Ramsar Information Sheet (RIS)