Sebkhet Sejoumi

Site number:
2,979.0 ha
Designation date:
36°45'30"N 10°09'05"E



  • sebkhet sejoumi -Flamant rose


Sebkhet Sejoumi is the furthest inland of the three “sebkhets” or seasonal salt flats around the city of Tunis, and the only one that has no natural outlet to the sea. This representative example of the sebkhet takes its name from the neighbouring village of Sejoumi. It is a very shallow closed basin, with an inflow of water from several small wadis, including wadi Gueriana. The lake is important for controlling the periodic wadi floods. The Site is a refuge for migrating and also hibernating birds. Being one of the northernmost sebkhets of the country, the Site retains some water throughout the year and so it is important for different populations of waterbirds in different seasons, and particularly in summer when other sebkhets are completely dry. Indeed, the concentration of more than 25,000 flamingos makes it one of the most important centres of North Africa of this species. It is also a refuge for the common shelduck (Tadorna tadorna) and the northern shoveler (Anas clypeata). The edges of the lake are used by some sheep and goat pastors. The increasing urbanization of the area could potentially pose a threat to the Site.

Administrative region

Tunis Governorate

Global international designation

  • Other global designation

National legal designation

  • Wetland Zone of National Importance (WDPA)

Regional (international) legal designations

  • Other international designation

Last publication date:



Ramsar Information Sheet (RIS)