Manglares y humedales de la Laguna de Sontecomapan

Site number:
8,921.0 ha
Designation date:
18°31'59"N 95°01'59"W




Manglares y humedales de la Laguna de Sontecomapan. 02/02/04; Veracruz; 8,921 ha; 18°32'N, 095°02'W. Part of a Biosphere Reserve. A coastal lagoon featuring an important mangrove forest on the western coast of the Gulf of Mexico, as well as a low seasonally flooded forest, reedbeds and coastal dunes. The site is an important stopover site for migratory birds using the coastal route from North to Central and South America, and it is part of the Tuxtlas Biosphere Reserve. Nationally threatened species inhabit the site, such as the howling monkey Alouatta palliata, otter Lutra longicaudis, royal duck Cairina moschata, and Unicolored Rail Amaurolimnas concolor. The mangroves are vital spawning and nursery grounds for marine fish, while the freshwater wetlands harbor endemic species such as Atherinella ammophila, Priapella olmecae and Cychlasoma fenestratum. Fishing in the lagoon is an important economic activity, as well as cattle ranching and small-scale agriculture. Though deforestation has diminished since the site was declared a protected area, it remains the main problem of the reserve. The paving of a road poses problems if tourism increases in an unregulated manner. A management plan is being drafted for the Biosphere Reserve. Ramsar site no. 1342. Most recent RIS information: 2004.

Administrative region


Global international designation

  • UNESCO Biosphere Reserve

National legal designation

  • Reserva de la Biosfera
  • Área Natural Protegida

Last publication date:



Ramsar Information Sheet (RIS)