Punta de Manabique

Site number:
132,900.0 ha
Designation date:
15°50'N 88°28'W




Punta de Manabique. 28/01/00; Izabal; 132,900 ha; 15°50'N 088°28'W. Area of Special Protection. Located in the Honduran Gulf on the Caribbean coast, the site includes a) marine; b) marshes and swamps; c) coastal; and d) terrestrial ecosystems. The marine area is shallow with a sandy bottom and a few patches of corals; the main vegetation here is Tallasia. The marshes and swamps serve as refuge for many species such as manatees (Trichechus manatus). The swamp is characterized by detritus and peat which have been transported by the Motagua River, the largest of Guatemala. The main plant communities are Chrysobalanus icaco, Symphonia globulifera, Phragmites comunis and Manicaria. There are several threatened and vulnerable mammal species such as Allouatta palliatta; Tapirus baiirdii, Tayassu tajacu, Tayassu pecari and Panthera onca are also found in the area, as are Crocodylus acutus and Iguana iguana. Expansion of the grazing areas, use of pesticides and fertilizers, and development of tourist resorts present some threat. Access to the area is difficult, and the main economic activity, although restricted to a very small area, is fishing in shallow waters. Hunting of wildlife such as iguanas is also important, as well as grazing and rice plantations in the borders of the wetland. The management plan for the area is being prepared by FUNDARY (Fundación Mario Dary) with the support of CONAP (El Consejo Nacional de Areas Protegidas). Ramsar site no. 1016.Most recent RIS information: 2000.

Administrative region


National legal designation

  • special protection area

Last publication date:



Ramsar Information Sheet (RIS)