Inaccessible Island

Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord (Overseas territories)
Site number:
126,524.0 ha
Designation date:
37°18'S 12°40'59"W



Vue d'ensemble

Inaccessible Island.20/11/08; St Helena, Tristan da Cunha; 126,524 ha; 37°18'S 012°41'W. World Heritage Site, Nature Reserve, Important Bird Area, Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels. The site includes Inaccessible Island and surrounding territorial waters. Inaccessible Island is a near-pristine cool temperate island of volcanic origin. A total of 24 species of seabirds and land birds as well as the Subantarctic Fur Seal breed there, some in very large numbers. Non-forested peatlands and rocky marine shores are critical to the survival of the breeding populations of Tristan Albatross (relict population of 2-3 pairs) and Spectacled Petrel (island endemic), and Northern Rockhopper Penguin and Sooty Albatross, respectively, all of which are globally threatened. Other important wetland types include permanent freshwater pools, permanent streams and marine subtital aquatic beds. There is no permanent human population - from time to time small numbers of researchers and conservation management teams visit the island. Commercial fishery for Tristan Rock Lobster and limited recreational fishing under license take place in Inaccessible's territorial waters. Ramsar site no. 1869. Most recent RIS information: 2008.

Administrative region

St Helena

Global international designation

  • Bien du patrimoine mondial

National legal designation

  • nature reserve

Last publication date:



Ramsar Information Sheet (RIS)