Laguna Concepción

Bolivie (État plurinational de)
Site number:
31,124.0 ha
Designation date:
17°30'59"S 61°21'W



Vue d'ensemble

Laguna Concepción. 06/05/02; Santa Cruz; 31,124 ha; 17°31'S 61°21'W. A lake and associated wetlands that is representative of the wetlands of the Gran Chaco, characterized by a flat area of woodland and scrub marsh with poor drainage. The expanse of open water of some 6,179 ha is surrounded by palm groves of Copernicia alba and the southern cattail Typha domingensis. The lake is one of the most significant bodies of water in the east of Santa Cruz province, particularly important for wintering migratory birds from both northern and southern hemispheres, as well as for large mammals. The area was formerly inhabited by indigenous people pursuing a nomadic hunting and gathering way of life, but presently it is occupied by private cattle ranchers and by indigenous people and campesinos practicing the same occupation. Over-grazing and over-hunting are among potential threats to the ecological character of the site. WWF-Bolivia and the Living Waters Programme have been instrumental in preparing this important site for designation. Ramsar site no. 1175.Most recent RIS information: 2002.

Administrative region

San José de Chiquitos

Last publication date:



Ramsar Information Sheet (RIS)