Wadi Wurayah National Park

Emiratos Árabes Unidos
Site number:
12,700.0 ha
Designation date:
25°24'N 56°15'E



Vista general

Wadi Wurayah National Park. 07/10/2010; Emirate of Fujairah; 12,700ha; 25°24N, 56°15E. Wadi Wurayah National Park is also a Protected Area. The area's geology has created a unique hydrogeological system that allows run-off water to emerge between impermeable and permeable rock creating fresh water streams, pools and waterfalls, all of which are uncommon in an arid region. The diversity of fresh water habitats provide important spawning ground for fish such as Garra barreimiae (Cyprinidae) which is threatened and endemic to the Arabian Peninsula, including seven newly discovered insect species of which four (Order: Ephemeroptera) have water dependent larval stages. The site supports 11 threatened species of mammals, such as the Arabian Tahr (Hemitrgus jayakari). In 1978 the total world population of Arabian Tahr was estimated at ca 2000 (Munton,1985), today, the population is estimated to be at least 20 individuals. So far, 73 species of birds such as the endangered Egyptian Vulture (Neophron percnopterus) have been recorded. The Wadi Wurayah National Park hosts 17 reptile species such as the Bar-tailed Semaphore Gecko (Pristurus celerrimus) and at least two amphibian species, all which are endemic to the UAE and Northern Oman. The Wadi Wurayah National Park is a rich archaeological site with 29 heritage sites such as, Islamic graveyards, petroglyphs and settlements dating as far as the Iron Age (1,300-500BC). The last local family left the area in 1981. Occasionally, locals venture to the site to collect medicinal plants, wild honey and fodder for livestock. Threats to the site include water exploitation, rock extraction and wild life poaching. The Wadi Wurayah National Park is owned by the ruler of Fujairah Emirate, the local tribes and families. The Environment Protection and Development Department of Fujairah Municipality is responsible for managing this site. Ramsar site no.1932. Most recent RIS information: 2010.

Administrative region

Emirate of Fujairah

Last publication date:



Ramsar Information Sheet (RIS)