Planalto Central da Terceira

Site number:
1,283.0 ha
Designation date:
38°44'32"N 27°12'42"W



Vista general

Planalto Central da Terceira (Furnas do Enxofre e Algar do Carvão). 16/06/08; Archipiélago de las Azores; 1,283 ha; 38°44'N 027°12'W. Sitio de Importância Comunitária SIC, Natural regional monument. A rather flat area on the top of the central plateau of Terceira Island that includes different and diverse palustrine habitats, a small set of geysers (Furnas de Enxofre) and a volcanic cave with a permanent subterranean lake inside (Algar do Carvão). The site has particular ecological conditions which support the peatland flora characteristic of the Azores and Macaronesia, with special relevance for the communities of Juniperus brevifolia, Sphagnum and laurel forest woodlands. The exuberant vegetation contributes in great degree to the rainfall levels of the area. This is the habitat for native and rare species such as the Azores Wood Pigeon (Columbus palumbus azorica) or the Snipe (Gallinago gallinago). The wetland has great importance for its hydrological characteristics for water retention and recharge of the underground springs. The geyser's field is an interesting habitat due to its excellent status of conservation. The Algar do Carvão is an ancient volcano with a small subterranean lake of clear waters and silicate stalactites as a unique case in the world. The lake is fed by rainwater from the surface and some small springs under the lake. The traditional corridas' are organised locally with the bulls (touros) that are raised within this site, which confers a special social importance to the site. Ramsar site no. 1805. Most recent RIS information: 2008.

Administrative region

Azores archipelago

National legal designation

  • Domínio Público Hídrico
  • Monumento Natural Regional - Algar do Carvão
  • Monumento Natural Regional - Furnas do Enxofre
  • Reserva Florestal Natural - Biscoito da Ferraria

Regional (international) legal designations

  • Natura 2000 (Unión Europea)

Last publication date:



Ramsar Information Sheet (RIS)